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Friday, June 26, 2015

Things to Consider Before Selecting a College in Nepal

Nepali college
As a student I have had been through many such times where I had to make choices in every single situation about what to do? Where to go? Am I doing right? So, here are some of the things to consider before selecting a college after SLC.

A student’s life is full of opportunities and choices. There are many circumstances where a student can benefit and there are many situations where a student has to choose between what to do next and why is that important for his career development.

SLC generally termed and famous as Iron Gate has been so called turning point of any student’s career life. The SLC grades are not the end of your improving periods. This is the thing a student should understand first. A student life doesn’t end on those grades. There are more to it and the students are not supposed to chose their career according to their grades but according to what interests them. Many students visit college to college to understand about subjects they are interested where some of the students are forced by their parents and some just become the puppets of other’s opinion.

These days the student don’t have to do much of the hard work as there are many agents, short-term courses or bridge courses, college centers, college representatives on that last day of SLC examination distributing their brochure, leaflets and pamphlets.

Similarly, there is a booming trend of being enrolled in bridge courses which are very fruitful and which makes good use of the student’s free time. Bridge courses are periodical study of some specific courses or some preliminary knowledge of the course you want to start your higher education with. For example one can start bridge course on computers and nursing. So, the student can start from trying to decide what to do by joining some bridge courses and knowing more about the subjects those interests him.

Some student can also do adventurous things to pass those three months of freedom and visit the places they want to. They can travel and learn too. And for those who want to travel can find their area of interest in their journey too.

After all these the students have to select a college to start his/her higher education. The major things a student has to keep in mind while continuing with his/her higher education are:

1. Interest: Which is the subject that interests him/her is the important thing to consider. As one can only accelerate if one wants not when he/she is forced.

2. Thorough survey of the college and the facilities: One shouldn’t stick to one college and one option but should visit many colleges. The student should see himself/herself before deciding to get enrolled in the college and should evaluate the resources in the colleges. After the student has examined his needs and requirements, one should also see if he/she can afford and decide the right institute for himself/herself.

3. Advertisements and Marketing: The students can get the information about the colleges through newspapers and television advertisements as well which makes the student easier to go n visit the colleges directly rather than searching for the colleges itself.

4. Budget: Sometimes only having interest in a course or wanting to go to a college might not be a good idea to carry on. One has to understand the circumstances of the family members.

5. Colleges with resources that meet your need: One should always opt for the colleges with better facilities and resources in terms of good hygienic areas, clean cafeteria, facility of library, computer labs, science labs etc according to needs. Similarly, teachers are one of the most important resources. So, the student also should inquire about the lecturers and teachers and see if they are cooperative enough.

6. This point may not have much effect in past but in the wake of recent earthquakes please be sure infrastructure of the college is strong and there is enough ground in case of emergency.

So, these are some of the things to be considered while choosing the college and subject for higher studies. A decision made in haste is waste. So, a student awaiting SLC result should be given proper guidance by the parents and counselor so that he/she can take the right decision.

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