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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Making Money Online with PPC (Pay per Click) ad

Pay-Per-Click or PPC in short, is an effective marketing scheme for the Internet. If you have a personal blog/site that attracts moderate to high traffic, and you want to generate some revenue from it then PPC is a very good option for you. There are many companies, including the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo! etc. that offer PPC ad-serving applications for webmasters and publishers. After registering with the company, all you have to do is put some Javascript code or HTML in your pages and activate the advertisement. The company tracks how many times the ads have been viewed and clicked and makes your payment at the end of the month.

In this article we will take a look at some PPC ad serving applications and try to help you decide which one could be the best option for you.

Google Adsense

Google AdSense is the current leader in content-sensitive web-based marketing. Webmasters can place Google AdSense JavaScript code on their web pages in order to allow Google’s servers to show context sensitive advertisements (Google Adwords). Google uses their search engine ranking technology to decide what ads to show on your site, and on specific pages on your site. On a post about photography on your site, for example, Google might show ads for digital cameras. This type of targeting is very effective and results in good click-through rates in most circumstances. How much you can make with Google Adsense depends entirely upon the niche of your website. The more competitive is your niche, the higher the CPM. However, many web publishers have complained about Google’s terms and conditions of being too restrictive.

As a Web site owner participating in AdSense, you are fully prevented from knowing which ads were clicked and how much each click brings to you. They have $100 payout policy, which means you’ll receive their payment only after the your revenue exceeds $100. Many publishers have found their Adsense account suspended by Google out of the blue, for reasons beyond their control. In spite all of these, for relative ease in use and targeting strategy, Adsense is the pioneer in PPC ad serving area.


Apply to be a Chitika Publisher!

Chitika is a free service which displays revenue-earning ads to your website visitors featuring different types of ads for different types of traffic. It is very similar to Google AdSense but it's a bit different so the best news is that you can have both on the site at the same time. Google AdSense and Chitika can work friendly and don't violate Terms of Use of each service.

Chitika is the only ad-network which knows when not to show an ad, helping to preserve your user experience.Chitika charges advertisers to be featured alongside your site's content. At the end of every month you are paid based on the previous month's earnings (Net 30). Payments are sent after your account earns at least $10.00 (USD) for PayPal payouts or $50.00 (USD) for checks.


BidVertiser is a pay-per-click (pays you for valid clicks on the ads on your site by visitors) bidding system that allows a blogger to advertise text ads of his choice on his blog. BidVertiser Publishers’ Program is a fast and easy to use way for publishers of all sizes to display unobtrusive text ads on their website and earn money. It is free for everyone to sign up and there is no minimum amount of hits a site should receive before qualifying, hence it’s ideal for anyone who is just starting up. Another great advantage of BidVertiser over AdSense is its low $10 payout limit, i.e., you need only to make $10 a month in order to get paid. Big publishers wouldn’t care about this but for many small bloggers who are still at bay waiting to hit that magic $100 Google payout level, getting paid at a lower level is quite attractive.

You get paid on a monthly basis within 30 days after the end of each calendar month. If the money earned for the previous calendar month is higher than the payout limit of $10 in your account, you get paid via PayPal or you can opt for check if you generate $50 or more (Hope AdSense too come up with PayPal transfer soon). If your account balance couldn’t reach the payout level at the month end, the balance will be carried over to the next month and will be paid once you have earned the payout level or more. Should you encounter any problems or have any questions, you can also contact them by phone using their toll-free numbers for instant help.

ExitJunction  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!

ExitJunction offers a unique approach to advertising. They focus on showing ads to users as they leave your site rather than as they arrive. By adding a small piece of their code to the header section of your site, visitors are shown an ad as they hit the back button. If someone came to your site from a Google search and then immediately hit the back button to return, she would be shown an Exit Junction Ad in between your page and the Google search page, and you get paid for this impression.

The ad is directly targeted to the search term that brought the visitor to your site in the first place. It’s an ideal way of complimenting your existing ad services and increasing your revenue without having to switch from your current ad provider. Also they cover all countries so you get paid for all traffic exiting you site regardless of its origin. They offer fee free payout via Check or PayPal with earnings of as little as $25 on a monthly basis.

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