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Friday, May 10, 2013

Vacancy Announcement - The TEVT Soft Skills Project (TSSP)

The TEVT Soft Skills Project (TSSP) provides technical assistance to the development and piloting of TEVT (Soft Skills) in school education. The aim of the intervention is to support the Ministry of Education to implement the Soft Skills component in the School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP) in Nepal. The funding is a part of the bilateral support provided to Ministry of Education under the country agreement with the Finnish Government. HIFAB, an international consultancy company, is contracted to implement this TA. The purpose of the TSSP is to improve employability of school leavers. This is to be achieved by enhancing the quality and relevance of general education by strengthen the focus on soft and vocational skills in secondary education. 

1. Curriculum Development Specialist (l position) 
2. National Short Term Advisor (CBSS (Competence Based Soft Skills focused) Teacher Training Specialist) (1 position) 
3. National Short Term Advisor (Continued training and Curriculum implementation Spealist) (1 position) 
4. National Young Professionals (NYPs) (10 positions) 

Deadline to apply: May 23, 2013

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